Friday, December 18, 2015

JPN Letter to Family Member

The blog wouldn't accept pdf versions and I had a pdf of my letter but I was finally able to change it into a jpeg. So here is my letter. It is not late lol

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Post Thanksgiving


Monday, November 9, 2015

Goals Part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

今日は、hello! Here are my reflections on how I have been practicing Japanese so far, and some adjusting to my goals.

I have been able to have more and longer conversations in Japanese, which is wonderful. I can say and remember more words in Japanese, which is wonderful as well. My speaking speed is still relatively slow, but it's steadily improving. Which is wonderful too.

To practice shadowing, I have been watching anime. A lot. Owarimonogatari. Like wow, Nishio Ishin is a straight mastermind. 10/10 would recommend. 2nd season of Noragami is pretty good, and One Punch Man is ridiculously silly. If there are any other anime shows to watch out for this season, help a brotha out and comment!

I've been going to a few language tables, and I listened to the songs suggested in the other post, they're real good.

So my pronunciations are getting better, and I'm still a little slow but by keeping up the activities that I had set for myself, I think I will be able to improve both of those in time. Keep it real fam, see y'all later. じゃ、また!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

こんいちは、here are some goals I have set in order to improve my Japanese:

Picking up Japanese words more easily. I would like to speak Japanese more naturally and at a faster speed, and to do that I want to be more familiar with Japanese words in my head before I speak them.

Having a conversation with other people. This goes hand in hand with me aiming to be more familiar with Japanese words and phrases. I want to be able to converse with other people in Japanese and talk about stuff without awkwardly pausing to think how to think what I want to say in Japanese in my head.

In order to achieve these goals, I plan on doing the following activities:

Watch anime once or more per week, and shadow along with the characters.

Attend the language tables once a week and talk to the other students/teachers in Japanese, except when I have events at the same time that I cannot miss.

Find Japanese music/songs to sing along to, one or more song per week. Suggestions are welcome.

Hopefully, those will improve my Japanese skills. じゃ、また。

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Self Introduction in Japanese!

はじめまして!井上です。にほんじんです。プリンストンの いちねんせいです。せんこうは ケミストリです。すいえいが すきです。じゃあ、また。

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Post, Why I Chose Japanese!

こんにちは! Hello! My name is Andrew and I am looking forward to starting JPN101 at Princeton. I chose to study Japanese for a couple of reasons: firstly, because I am Japanese and want to explore my cultural background. Secondly, I want to travel to Japan in the future, therefore learning to speak and read Japanese would be very handy. I am excited to learn Japanese in order to understand the Japanese culture better as well as meeting new people who are interested in Japanese. After the first three days of class, I found that memorizing the Japanese phrases was difficult to me. That's all for today, じゃ、また。