Thursday, October 1, 2015

こんいちは、here are some goals I have set in order to improve my Japanese:

Picking up Japanese words more easily. I would like to speak Japanese more naturally and at a faster speed, and to do that I want to be more familiar with Japanese words in my head before I speak them.

Having a conversation with other people. This goes hand in hand with me aiming to be more familiar with Japanese words and phrases. I want to be able to converse with other people in Japanese and talk about stuff without awkwardly pausing to think how to think what I want to say in Japanese in my head.

In order to achieve these goals, I plan on doing the following activities:

Watch anime once or more per week, and shadow along with the characters.

Attend the language tables once a week and talk to the other students/teachers in Japanese, except when I have events at the same time that I cannot miss.

Find Japanese music/songs to sing along to, one or more song per week. Suggestions are welcome.

Hopefully, those will improve my Japanese skills. じゃ、また。


  1. Hey Andrew! Just cause you mentioned Japanese music I thought I'd mention an artist I'm trying to start listening to for practice.

    Here's a song of his, let me know it you come across any artists you like!

  2. Hi. I’m Naho Tanaka and 18 years old. I’m from Kyoto in Japan. My hobby is watching movies and dramas form other countries. I’m interested in other countries culture. I have keen desire to study abroad someday. It is my pleasure for me to teach Japanese, so please don’t hesitate to ask the problem about Japanese.

  3. So sorry for the late reply but it's very nice to meet y'all! J 何 I just listened to GIFT/Nissy, it's a catchy and nice tune, thanks for the recommendation! My Japanese professor also played us this one song in class that I really liked, Anti-Hero by Sekai no Owari.

    1. Oh wait I think I remember anti-hero, 柴田先生 played it for use that one time, it was good! Very interesting music video...

  4. hi! dont worry about that haha
    my friend really loves Nissy!!! i tell him later haha
    Anti-Hiro is the theme song for Attack on Taitan. this manga is so famous in Japan so i really recomend it!!!

    by the way what kind of sport do you like or play???
    i used to perform rhythmic gymnastics. do you know that?? however, i had no choice to quit it in this spring because i was injured my back accidently.

    1. こんにちはたなかさん!Attack on Titan is very famous in the US as well, I have seen the first season! I do competitive swimming, I'm on the club team here (varsity is too fast for me haha).
      Yes, I have seen rhythmic gymnastics, it looks very beautiful and very difficult! I'm so sorry to hear you injured your back :-(

  5. Do you know "Gossipgirl"? recently I've started watyching it. i really love it. what kind of drama do you love??
