Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Post, Why I Chose Japanese!

こんにちは! Hello! My name is Andrew and I am looking forward to starting JPN101 at Princeton. I chose to study Japanese for a couple of reasons: firstly, because I am Japanese and want to explore my cultural background. Secondly, I want to travel to Japan in the future, therefore learning to speak and read Japanese would be very handy. I am excited to learn Japanese in order to understand the Japanese culture better as well as meeting new people who are interested in Japanese. After the first three days of class, I found that memorizing the Japanese phrases was difficult to me. That's all for today, じゃ、また。


  1. Hi. im Japanese. Japan is very beautiful country and you shoud come to Japan absolutely.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello. I’m Kotomi Kagawa. I live in Osaka and my birthday is 7th April. I have lived at Auckland in NZ for a year when I was year 12. I go to the Ritsumei University in Osaka to study international management to help my father’s business. I belong to a capella group because I really love singing a song. Our group have about 200 people and we also have the famous “Rakuyou”. If you’re interested in a capella, I recommend to research “Hamonepu” in Youtube. I want to make more foreign friends, so please touch with in me. Thank you for reading. 好きなアニメは何ですか?

  4. Hi Kagawa-san, it's nice to meet you! わたしはすきなアニメは"Steins;Gate"です。それをたのしみました。

  5. はじめまして、いのうえさん。じゅげす。コロンビアだいがくのにねんせいです。カリフォルニアからきました。ちちはにほんじんです。わたしもにほんごをべんきょうします。I too look forward to learning Japanese more thoroughly. I find that particles are the most challenging.どうぞよろしく。

  6. Long time no see. そうなんですか。I like watch Lovelive. なんのスポーツがすきですか?
