Thursday, October 1, 2015

こんいちは、here are some goals I have set in order to improve my Japanese:

Picking up Japanese words more easily. I would like to speak Japanese more naturally and at a faster speed, and to do that I want to be more familiar with Japanese words in my head before I speak them.

Having a conversation with other people. This goes hand in hand with me aiming to be more familiar with Japanese words and phrases. I want to be able to converse with other people in Japanese and talk about stuff without awkwardly pausing to think how to think what I want to say in Japanese in my head.

In order to achieve these goals, I plan on doing the following activities:

Watch anime once or more per week, and shadow along with the characters.

Attend the language tables once a week and talk to the other students/teachers in Japanese, except when I have events at the same time that I cannot miss.

Find Japanese music/songs to sing along to, one or more song per week. Suggestions are welcome.

Hopefully, those will improve my Japanese skills. じゃ、また。