Saturday, September 26, 2015

Self Introduction in Japanese!

はじめまして!井上です。にほんじんです。プリンストンの いちねんせいです。せんこうは ケミストリです。すいえいが すきです。じゃあ、また。

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Post, Why I Chose Japanese!

こんにちは! Hello! My name is Andrew and I am looking forward to starting JPN101 at Princeton. I chose to study Japanese for a couple of reasons: firstly, because I am Japanese and want to explore my cultural background. Secondly, I want to travel to Japan in the future, therefore learning to speak and read Japanese would be very handy. I am excited to learn Japanese in order to understand the Japanese culture better as well as meeting new people who are interested in Japanese. After the first three days of class, I found that memorizing the Japanese phrases was difficult to me. That's all for today, じゃ、また。